ID 5346602

Lead Digital Strategist

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Tom Woodley
Senior Recruitment Consultant
PERMANENT: $85K - $110K
Wellington | AVAILABLE 2 Weeks
10-15 years EXPERIENCE

This candidate is a dynamic professional with an impressive background in diverse creative, marketing, and digital campaigns. They demonstrate exceptional expertise in design, marketing, digital channels, and user experience.

As the Lead Digital Strategist at a prominent creative agency, they successfully managed and led teams, delivered innovative digital solutions for various clients, and enhanced internal processes. In previous roles, such as Marketing Acquisition Lead at a major energy company and Product Manager at a renowned sports organisation, they showcased their strategic acumen by leading national marketing communications, executing successful campaigns, and managing stakeholder relationships. With a rich history in digital content production, marketing, and design, this candidate brings a wealth of technical and creative proficiency, making them a versatile and accomplished professional in the field. This candidate is now working with Campfire to find a new role.


Adobe Suite | CRM strategy and implementation | CSS | Dato | Figma | GA | Hotjar | HTML. | Miro | SEM | SEO | Silverstripe | WordPress | XD

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Tom Woodley
Senior Recruitment Consultant

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