ID 13519060

B2B Sales Hunter

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Indi Wilding
Recruitment Consultant
PERMANENT: $85K - $110K
Wellington | AVAILABLE 2 Weeks
10-15 years EXPERIENCE

This top salesperson has been working in media for over 10 years and started off selling print ads before moving to a digital marketing agency and selling digital solutions.

Their company is currently undergoing a large re-structure, and although they have kept their role, they have decided that this is a good time to move on. This is an extremely well-connected salesperson who comes with an incredible book of contacts. They are now working with Campfire to find a new role. Their on-the-tools experience is limited (as a salesperson), but they have sold web design & build solutions, SEM, paid social, SEO, and email marketing solutions in addition to print and radio.

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Indi Wilding
Recruitment Consultant

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