ID 5348962

Performance and Programmatic Lead

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Tom Woodley
Senior Recruitment Consultant
FREELANCE: $110 - $130 P/H
PERMANENT: $130K - $160K
Auckland | AVAILABLE 4 Weeks
10-15 years EXPERIENCE

This senior candidate brings agency, brand, and vendor-side experience to the table and has a fantastic reputation in the market.

They have deep experience in the latest programmatic and performance marketing technology, strong team leadership skills, and fantastic abilities in client-facing and vendor management. They understand how to set up and run complex programmatic tech stacks, and additionally, have a solid knowledge of e-commerce and international marketplaces (think: Amazon, Walmart, Target). This candidate is now working with Campfire to find a new role and is available immediately. They are looking for a salary level of $155,000 – $165,000 per annum OR $95 – $120 per hour.


CM360 | DV360 | Facebook Blueprint | Google Ads | Google Analytics | The Trade Desk

If you want to know more about this candidate, Campfire is available to speak to you 24/7 on 09 320 5752.

Tom Woodley
Senior Recruitment Consultant

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